
Jeff Pruett & Ryan Miller

Co-Owners & Operators

Jeff Pruett and Ryan Miller co-founded Freedom Payments. Together, they served in the US Army for a combined 27 years, where they developed a strong friendship and bond based on trust, loyalty, and integrity.
As a fellow small business owner, Jeff has seen firsthand how processing fees are the silent killer of small businesses. Together, we are determined to make sure all our clients can process payments confidently. Giving them the peace of mind to know that we are here, ensuring everything runs seamlessly on the back end. So our clients can focus on what they do best – running their business.

Our Team

Our team is committed to building meaningful relationships with our clients, and we are dedicated to helping them grow. As owners of Freedom Payments, Jeff and Ryan have grown the company organically, with a focus on hard work and strong business ethics. We are a debt-free company invested in our client’s success.
At Freedom Payments, we are also committed to giving back to our community. That is why we donate 10% of our profits to Idaho Backcountry Veterans (IBV), a local non-profit that helps disabled veterans participate in outdoor activities. By partnering with us for your payment processing needs, you can feel good knowing you are also contributing to a worthy cause.

Our Clients

We are proud to provide multiple Idaho businesses with a secure and streamlined payment system.